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On 25 May 2023, the Court of Justice of the European Union issued a judgment in case C-114/22 in which the Court explained how the Article 88 section 3a point 4 letter c of Polish VAT Act must be interpreted in the light of the principles of the fiscal neutrality and proportionality. The Article 88...

There was published a Decree amending the Decree on the data that should be included in SAFT files in 28th December. Most changes are editorial. Among the changes of a substantive nature, the most important change concerns clear explanation how the collective documents should be reported. So far, the Decree has only indicated a general...

The Head of the Polish Central Statistical Office set net thresholds for INTRASTAT reporting in 2023.   Taxpayers registered for VAT in Poland will be obliged to file basic INTRASTAT returns in Poland, if the value of the transactions exceeded in 2022 or will exceed in 2023 the following thresholds: for arrivals: PLN 5,000,000 for...

Polish Ministry of Finance has recently published draft of the amendments to the Polish VAT Act relating to structured invoices. Since 1 January 2024 e-invoicing via system called KSeF will be obligatory in Poland. Issuing structured invoices via KSeF will be obligatory only for these taxpayers who are established or have the fixed establishment in...

In the Journal of Laws item 2495 published on December 2, a new regulation of the Minister of Finance on reduced VAT rates was published. This regulation extends indefinitely the validity of 0% VAT rate on certain foodstuffs (listed in items 1-18 of Annex 10 to the VAT Act). In addition, 0% VAT rate was...

On June 27, 2022, there was published Council implementing decision No. 2022/1003 authorizing Poland to introduce mandatory e-invoicing. Pursuant to this decision: the obligation of e-invoicing will be allowed to be introduced from January 1, 2024 and not from January 1 or April 1, 2023, as it was planned by the Ministry of Finance. the...

The VAT Group may be created by the taxpayers established in Poland or branches of the foreign entities opened in Poland for a period of minimum 3 years. The entities forming the VAT Group must be related financially, economically and organizationally. The VAT Group members will have to sign an agreement and register the Group...

On January 26, 2022, Polish Parliament adopted an amendment to the VAT Act, reducing VAT rates on certain goods, such as: food products previously subject to the 5% VAT rate – reduction to 0% VAT rate, fertilizers – VAT rate reduction from 8% to 0%, fuels – VAT rate reduction from 23% to 8%. The...

Polish Ministry of Finance published the new versions of SAFT JPK_V7M (i.e. the monthly SAFT) and JPK_V7K (i.e. the quarterly SAFT). The new versions of SAFTs will apply since the settlement for January 2022. The link to the webpage with the new versions of the schemes is here. The files concerning the new: JPK_V7M are...

The Ministry of Finance has published tax explanations for the e-commerce VAT package in the form of a guide with practical examples. The e-commerce VAT package, which has been in force since July 1, 2021, introduced significant changes to the VAT taxation rules for entrepreneurs operating in the e-commerce industry, carrying out cross-border supplies of...